Owned Media

This is content your business owns. It’s created specifically for your brand that is published to your website or other owned channels. You may host a blog on your web domain. Any content, from eBooks to white papers to podcasts, are considered owned media assets.

These assets serve as the foundation to make all of your paid, earned and shared channels work. You can’t launch a campaign without telling a story or sharing a message.

We can design and curate all of your platforms in order to create continuity and focus. We develop remarkable content across each element of your marketing funnel to attract, convert, engage and delight your prospects, leads and customers.  We have an agency of writers with the president having started her career in newspaper reporting and having recently wrote and published a nonfiction book available at https://amzn.to/2epgwad.

Shared Media

Shared media could be considered a sector of owned media because you own the content that is published to your social media platforms. However, each social platform has its own quirks and characteristics that require different content and campaigns.

When a social media campaign is well-received, the results can be rewarding. When it comes to shared media, the social posts you craft are just part of the equation. In many cases, owned, earned and paid media can all turn into shared media if people find the content worth talking about and sharing with others. It’s a powerful way to spread awareness of your brand, gain new followers and even generate new customers.